I was a weekend busboy/dishwasher in like, 1975- 76.  Mark Lohmeier was my manager, he had a girlfriend named Josie, Greg Lohmeier was with Kim , Tim Lohmeier, Harry, & Dev cooked.  The waitresses were Luanne , Anne , Kim , Audrey , a blonde waitress, I forget her name, & her friend Monica too. Easter of 1975, we had sort of a party after the “late night bar rush”  shift.  Monica took advantage of me in her friend’s 1969 Camaro , I got my pipes cleaned , my virginity gone , she was 19 , I was, let’s just say younger than her. Never since then have I had THAT great of a work experience, and I think about it every time I drive past there! It was a much more laid back world back then . No pun intended!

Shared by: Tony Ellis

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